முதல் பக்கம்    இலக்கியம்    திருக்குறள் Print Friendly and PDF
- திருக்குறள் ஆய்வுக்கட்டுரைகள்


In this Chapter an attempt has been made to enlist the Ten
Commandments from the wisdom of Thirukural and relate them to the
management applications.
Thirukural is a book of wisdom .It is a hall mark of ancient Indian
Civilization with a rich heritage, tradition and culture. It was written by
Saint Thiruvalluvar, who was born near Chennai in BC 30. It is a book that
has stood the test of time for over 2000 years and still remains relevant as a
guiding force for the mankind. It has 1330 couplets/verses/two line
stanzas. The verses are rich in rythem, meaning and dictions for all areas
of life. Indeed, no area of the human life has remained untouched by this
great work. Management topics are no exception.
There is a general notion that the contemporary /modern
management principles have evolved from western thoughts. In fact, all or
most of the ancient Indian scriptures have a much deeper understanding of
the management thoughts and has the roots, which however lay
undisclosed unless efforts like this are made .
For the purpose of the present research and to focus on the deeper
aspects, the researcher has primarily based the references for English
translations from Rev. G. U. Pope’s translations of Tirukkural. Analysis of
Tirukkural is like measuring the ocean to search for the pearls. It is
Having analyzed the various aspects of Kural and the previous
researches done, the researcher has derived the following Ten
commandments, which form the basis of the present study -Management
By Spirituality (MBS), to develop the frame work for Managerial
1. Thou shalt always wear the ornament of humility and sweetness
of speech
2. Thou shalt be united to the Feet of Lord in service to be free from
3. Thou shalt always exhibit gratitude
4. Thou shalt be impartial and equipoise in decisions
5. Thou shalt have patience, forbearance and control of speech,
leading to decorum and greatness
6. Thou shalt not envy, find fault and covert others
7. Thou shalt perform the duty as penance of truthfulness, free of
8. Thou shalt administer with proper knowledge , learning through
proper hearing/listening
9. Thou shalt seek the aid of great men after due consideration and
act upon time, place & circumstances
10. Thou shalt select the right man and employ him with confidence.
It may be pertinent to note how Thiruvalluvar, has set the stage. Valluvar
has divided all the 1330 couplets into three divisions
Virtues (Arathupal) 1-38 chapters containing 370 Couplets
Wealth (Porutpal) 39-108 Chapters containing 710 Couplets
Love (Inpathupal) 109-133 Chapters containing 250 Couplets
Thiruvalluvar has dedicated the first chapter in Praise of the Lord and
thus it forms the Spiritual foundation for further chapters. It is observed
that Valluvar has well thought and prayed before writing the Couplets.
From the contents and the deep understanding he has exhibited, it is
abundantly clear that Valluvar was a spiritualist and with great insight has
presented this epic work.
The very first Couplet
“ A, as its first of letters, every speech maintains;
The “Primal Lord” is the First through all the world’s domains.”
As all the letters have the letter A for their first, so the world has
eternal God for its first. Immediately in the second Couplet, he brings out
“What profit have those derived from learning who worship not the
good Feet of the Lord, who is possessed of pure Knowledge?”.
Valluvar is making it clear, where is the real source of Knowledge
and how a manager can reach out to the same.
Valluvar also states, what is of prime importance for a manager or a
head of the institution. What is referred in Couplet 8, as to the Head, refers
to the human body, as well as to the head of the institution. It states that the
head that worships not the feet of Him, who is possessed of eight prime
attributes, is as useless as a sense without the power of sensation. This also
means the head which has lost its capacity to think.
Kural is often described as Aranool, a treatise on moral conduct.
This moral conduct is the same for any person, whether one is an ordinary
citizen or a corporate manager. The moral code is supreme, guiding as well
as governing people of all walks of life. Virtue, non-violence, absence of
greediness, truthfulness and the like are discussed at length. It also
describes how, Aram (Virtue) is the underlying factor in the life of
individuals and corporates..
Thiruvalluvar directs the managers and administrators how to lead.
He brings out the ground rule required for a manager very nicely. One can
finally understand that before actually one manages people, one has to
manage oneself.
To begin with, a few select Kurals are mentioned below regarding
Walk the talk : (436)
“Faultless the king, who first his own faults cures and then
Permits himself to scan the faults of other men”
According to Thiruvalluvar, the ruler should first rectify his own faults
and then go to rectify others/subjects/subordinates. This is what we call in
modern management jargon as “Walk the talk”.
Balancing and Conflict resolution: (118)
“To stand like balance rod that level hangs and rightly weighs
With calm, unbiased equity of soul, is sages praise”
For men of excellence it is a good ornament to act like a balance
scale. It unravels the hidden meaning. Valluvar used the word “Saman
Seithu”(Adjust the balance) before “Seertookum Kol” (weighing
scale).This means that the balance is to be used only after adjusting both
sides. Similarly a manager has to decide after evaluation of all parties or
situations involved and take a balanced view before conflict resolution.
Five yard sticks required for managers (632).
“A minister must greatness own of guardian power , determined
mind Learn wisdom, manly effort with the former five combined.”
Valluavar furnishes five yard sticks for selection of manager with
following traits – Strong determination, service attitude, learning, wisdom
and enterprising.
Word of Caution for CEOs/Sr management (636)
“When native subtly combines with sound scholastic lore
‘Tis subtly surpassing all, which nothing stands before”
A CEO must have vast learning and also possess deep common
sense. Above all, a manager should be sincere to the Board/ organization.
If this principle had been applied, Enron & Satyam frauds would not have
Truthfulness (638)
“Tis duty of the man in place aloud to say
The very truth, though unwise king may cast his words away”
Even if the CEO/Board does not listen to the good council , still the
manager should express what is right and truth.
Art of tolerance (439)
“Never indulge in self-complaisant mood
Nor deed desire that yields no gain of good”.
The manager should not also love being praised and he should not
embark on any act which is not useful to the society.
“The king of worth , who can words bitter to his ear endure
Beneath the shadow of his power the world abides secure” (389 )
The manager should be cultured enough to endure the bitter words
and if he attains such tolerance his rule is secure.
Also, in one of the wonderful works Sisktastakam, Lord Chaitanya
emphasizes on humility as a basic criteria for progress.
Trinatapi Sunechena Tatoriva Sakisuns
Amanina Manadena Kirtaniya Sada Hari
Be humbler than a blade of grass ; Tolerant than a tree; Offer every
respects to others and expect nothing in return ….
The blade of grass never complaints even if thousand of people
trample upon it. The tree is tolerant, giving protection to the people under
it even during hot summer or chilly winter. Therefore , humility is the pre
qualification for a leader to be humble and tolerant.
An attempt has been made in this section to analyze the couplets of
Thiruvalluvar in tune with the stated Ten Commandments. For brevity
sake, it is limited to maximum of five references to each commandment
though Thirukural has more such references on each.
Commandment 1: “Thou shalt always wear the ornament
of humility and sweetness of speech”
(93) With brightly beaming smile, and kindly light of loving eye,
And heart sincere, to utter pleasant words is charity.
Sweet speech, flowing form the heart (uttered) with a cheerful
Countenance and a sweet look, it true virtue.
(95) Humility with pleasant speech to man on earth,
Is choice adornment; all besides is nothing worth.
Humanity and sweetness of speech are the ornaments of man;
all others are not (ornaments).
(100) When pleasant words are easy, bitter words to use,
Is, leaving sweet ripe fruit, the sour unripe to choose.
To say disagreeable things when agreeable are at hand
is like eating unripe fruit when there is ripe.
(985) Submission with humility is the might of men of mighty acts;
The sage With that same weapon stills his foeman’s rage.
Humility and submission will bring in success;
It will also be a wise man’s weapon against his foes.
(978) Greatness humbly bends, but littleness always
Spreads out its plumes, and loads itself with pride.
The great will always humble himself; but the mean
will exalt himself in self admiration
Derivations, findings and Conceptual Analysis: According to
Valluvar the qualities of humility and sweetness in speech are like the
foundation for the development of a great Leader. If a leader can manage
such qualities oneself, it is obvious that others can be managed well.
Humility is like a magnet which attracts others and naturally one ends up
expressing sweet words. Managers without humility fail to listen to the
view of others, never admit their own mistakes and seldom focus on the
problem solving .By being humble, a manger is endowed with the right
mind set to correctly evaluate the strengths and weakness of oneself and
others. Management is the art of getting the things done with and through
others. Hence the words of Valluvar holds good, even though several
centuries have passed.
Commandment 2: “Thou shalt be united to the Feet of Lord
in service to be free from anxiety.”
(4) His foot, ‘whom want affects not, irks not grief’ who gain
Shall not, through every time, of any woes complain
To those who meditate the feet of Him who is void of desire or aversion,
evils shall never come.
(7) Unless HIS foot, ‘to whom none can compare,’ men gain,
‘Tis hard for mind to find relief from anxious pain.
Anxiety of mind cannot be removed, except from those who are united
to the feet of Him who is incomparable.
(8) Unless His feet ‘the sea of Good, the Fair and Bountiful,’ men
gain ‘Tis hard the further bank of being‘s changeful sea to attain.
None can swim the sea of vice, but those who are united to the feet
of that Gracious Being, who is a sea of virtue.
(10) They swim the sea of births, the ‘Monarch‘s’ foot who gain;
None others reach the shore of being’s mighty main.
None can swim the great sea of births
but those who are united to the feet of God.
Derivations, findings and Conceptual Analysis:
Management and administrative activities involve lot of anxieties
and in fact this has lead several leaders of the present day management to
have anxiety related health issues like Stress, diabetics, BP, depression,
etc. However, Valluvar suggests dependence on the Lord will help one to
be free form anxieties. One of the functions of the management is
controlling. Here Valluvar, brings out the point that as manager, one has
limited control even on his subordinates and in all functional areas
including the outcome of the results of actions. Therefore, in the eyes of
Valluvar, a manager has got very limited control.
The verse from Bagavd Gita 2.47 clearly mentions the :
karmaëy evädhikäras te mä phaleñu kadäcana
mä karma-phala-hetur bhür mä te saìgo 'stv akarmaëi
In the Gita Lord affirms to Arjuna that one has a right to perform the
prescribed duty, but not entitled to the fruits of action. Never consider
oneself ,the cause of the results of activities, and never be attached to not
doing the duty. Hence, what Valluvar says is also true, that one has to be
dependant on the Lord for the outcome of the results to over come all
Commandment 3: “Thou shalt always exhibit gratitude”
(103) Kindness shown by those who weigh not what the return may be;
When you ponder right its merit, ‘Tis vaster than the sea.
If weighs the excellence of a benefit, which is conferred without
weighing the return, it is larger than the sea.
(107) Through all seven worlds, in seven –fold birth, remains in mem’ry of the wise
Friendship of those who wiped on earth, the tears of sorrow from their eyes.
(The wise) will remember throughout their seven –fold birth
the love of those who have wiped away their affliction.
(108) “Tis never good to let the thought of good things done thee pass
away; Of things not good,’tis good to rid thy memory that very day.
It is not good to forget a benefit; it is good to forget an injury
even in the very moment (in which it is inflicted).
(110) Who every good have killed, may yet destruction flee;
Who ‘benefit’ as killed, that man shall ne’er ‘scape free?
He who has killed every virtue may yet escape;
there is no escape for him who has killed a benefit.
Derivations, findings and Conceptual Analysis
Most often the management is confronted with this situation of not
being grateful to people, for what they have contributed. The
dissatisfaction amongst employees is that they have not been duly
recognized for their efforts. Hence, the best manner to motivate employees
is to make them feel valued for their contributions even though it may be
small. Valluavr , lays great emphasis here , on the quality of gratefulness.
and says that this one quality in a manager can get him out of all troubles
and one who fails to be grateful, has no escape.
Commandment 4: “Thou shalt be impartial and equipoised in decisions”
(115) The gain and loss in life are not mere accident;
Just mind inflexible is sages’ ornament.
Loss and gain come not without cause; it is the ornament of the wise
to preserve evenness of mind (under both).
(117) The man, who justly lives, tenacious of the right,
In low estate is never low to wise man‘s sight.
The great will not regard as poverty the low estate of that man who
Dwells in the virtue of equity.
(118) To stand, like balance –rod that level hangs and rightly weighs,
With clam unbiased equity of soul, is sages’ praise.
To Incline to neither side, but to rest impartial as the even
–fixed scale is the ornament of the wise.
(120) As thriving trader is the trader known,
Who guards another’s interests as his own.
The true merchandize of merchants is to guard and
do by the things of others as they do by their own.
Derivations, findings and Conceptual Analysis :
In greater sense this quality of equipoised in decisions without
getting disturbed is important for maintaining quality and avoiding
rashness in decision making.
The environment of business – internal and external- play a major
role in the performance of the organizations. Internal environment can be
divided into two: Internal to the organization and internal to the
staff –spirituality.
Bagavd Gita also brings out the point appealingly in 2.14
Krishna says that the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and
distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and
disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense
perception. One must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.
Arjuna is being told in clear terms how he should be equipoised at all times
by tolerating the dualities. By doing so, the managers stand to benefit. It
will help the business in profits and also act as a motivator for the staff.
Commandment 5 : “Thou shalt have patience, forbearance and
control of speech, leading to decorum and greatness”
(127) Whate ‘er they fail to guard, o ‘er lips men guard should deep;
If not through fault of tongue, they biter tears shall weep.
Whatever beside you leave unguarded guard your tongue; otherwise,
errors of speech and the consequent misery will ensure.
(129) In flesh by fire inflamed. Nature may thoroughly heal the sore;
In soul by tongue inflamed, the ulcer health never more.
The wound which has been burnt in by fire may heal,
but a wound burnt in by the tongue will never heal.
(137) ‘tis source of dignity when ‘true decorum’ is preserved;
Who break ‘Decorum’s ’rules endure e’ en censures undeserved.
From propriety of conduct, men obtain greatness;
from impropriety comes insufferable disgrace.
(151) As earth bears up the men who delve into her
The Virtuous head to bear with those who scorn .
It is the greatness of the leader to bear with those
who scorn just as the earth bears with those who dig into her.
(154) Seek ‘st thou honour never tarnished to returned;
So must go patience, guarding ever more , maintain.
If you desire that greatness should never leave, you preserve in your
conduct the exercise of patience.
Derivations, findings and Conceptual Analysis :
Communication is an essential element of managerial function. Most
often issues stem from communication. One of the common channels of
communication is speech. It is important for all management positions to
control the speech which will help managers listen more to their
subordinates. Louis A Allen’s statement is befitting to mention. He says
that Speech is the sum of all things one does, when he wants to create
understanding in the minds of another. It is a bridge of meaning. It
involves a systematic and continuous process of speaking, listening,
understanding and acknowledging. A managers, must restrict speaking
provocatively and avoid future problems. At the same time, measured,
controlled and convincing speech can act as a motivator to increase
productivity, performance and profits. Valluvar also lays a great stress on
forbearance as a key ingredient for managerial success. He states in
couplet 156 “Revenge might pleasure for a day; but forbearance will bring
glory for ever” .An organization is a kaleidoscope of different personalities
and a manager should adopt forbearance to handle the team to be
This requires forbearance and will lead to great decorum in the team.
This is bound to set apart great leaders from mediocre.
Commandment 6: “Thou shalt not envy, find fault and covert others”
(162) If man can learn to envy none on earth,
‘Tis richest gift, - beyond compare its worth.
Amongst all attainable excellences there is none
equal to that being free from envy towards others.
(168) Envy, embodied ill , incomparable bane,
Good fortune slays , and soul consigns to fiery pain.
Envy will destroy (a man‘s ) wealth (in his world ) and drive him
in to the pit to fire (in the world to come )
(176) Though , grace desiring , he in virtue ‘s way stand strong ,
He’s lost who wealth desire , and ponders deeds of wrong .
If he, who through desire of the virtue of kindness abides
in the domestic state i.e. the path in which it may be obtained ,
covet (the property of others ) and think of evil methods
( to obtain it )he will perish .
(180) From thoughtless lust of others goods springs fatal ill ,
Greatness of soul that covet not shall triumph still .
To covet (the wealth of another) regardless of consequences will
bring destruction. That greatness (of mind) which covets not will give
Derivations, findings and Conceptual Analysis:
Valluvar catches the pulse of HR. There are two aspects in
managerial activities. One is fact finding and the other is fault finding.
There is a thin line of difference. While fact finding is aimed at corrective
action, fault finding is out of envy. MBS principle of finding ones own
fault first before finding fault in others is nicely brought out by Valluvar.
In most organizations, the board members become envious of each other
finding fault and aiming to covet. We have seen in the recent organizations
collapses all over the world, this basic quality of envy and coveting
amongst CEOs have lead to such chaos. Fault finding is akin to fly
mentality. A fly will go to a filthy place in spite of wonderful flowers in
the garden. Where as , a honey bee mentality is required for a manager.
One has to look for points to appreciate rather to find faults to demean the
Commandment 7: “Thou shalt perform the duty as penance with
truthfulness, free of anger”
(268) Who gains himself in utter self-control,
Him worships every others living soul.
All other creatures will worship him who has
attained the control of his own soul.
(282) ‘Tis sin if in the mind man but thought conceive;
‘By fraud I will my neighbor of his wealth bereave.’
Even the thought (of sin) us sin ; think not then
of craftily stealing the property of another.
(283) The gain that comes by fraud, although it seems to grow
With limitless increase, to ruin swift shall go.
The property, which is acquired by fraud, will entirely perish,
even while it seems to increase.
(300) Of all good things we’ ve scanned with studious care,
There is naught that can with truthfulness compare
Amidst all that we have seen as excellence, there is nothing so good
as truthfulness.
(305) If thou would ‘st guard thyself, guard against wrath always;
‘Giants wrath who guards not, him his wrath shall slay.
If a man would guard himself, let him guard against anger; if he
do not guard it , anger will kill him .
Derivations, findings and Conceptual Analysis
Anger is one of the unfavorable qualities of a manger. In Tamil there
is a saying “Kovam Kudiyai Kedukum” (anger is bound to destroy a
family).Anger takes control of the person, destroys the intelligence and
ultimately the decisions. This is the reason, why angry people make wrong
decisions. Anger affects the mental, physical and spiritual health of the
managers. In the Couplet 303, Valluvar states that if one does not over
come ones anger, evil and pain will only be the outcome. Also, while
handling the team, Valluvar cautions the managers “ It is wrong to be
angry against the weak and futile against the powerful. Even Lord Buddha,
says that one may not be punished for being angry but one will be
punished by the anger itself.
In Bhagavd Gita 3.37 Lord Krishna confirms the nature of anger and
where it stems from. Lord Krishna says that it is lust only, which is born of
contact with the material mode of passion and later transformed into anger,
and which is the all-devouring sinful enemy .
Managers, have to perform the professional duties. The best way to
perform is described by Thiruvalluvar. It has to be performed as penance,
free of anger and with truthfulness and honesty. These may be difficult in
the beginning but once practiced, will become profitable in the long run.
Commandment 8: “Thou shall administer with proper knowledge ,
learning through proper hearing/listening”
(390) Gifts, grace, right scepter, care of people’s weal;
These four a light of dreaded kings reveal.
He is the light of kings who has there four things, beneficence,
benevolence, rectitude and care for his people.
(391) So learn that you may full and faultless learning gain,
Then in obedience meet to lessons remain.
Let a man learn thoroughly whatever he may learn, and let his
conduct be worthy of his learning.
(393) Men who learning gain have eyes, men say;
Blockheads faces pairs of sores display.
The learned are said to have eyes,
but the unlearned have (merely) two sores in their face.
(396) In sandy soil, when deep you delve, you reach the spring below;
The more you learn, the freer streams of wisdom flow.
Water will flow from a well in the sand in proportion
to the depth to which it is dug and knowledge will flow from
a man in proportion to his learning
(411)Wealth of wealth is wealth acquired be ear attent;
Wealth mid all wealth supremely excellent.
Wealth (gained) by the ear is wealth of wealth;
that wealth is the chief of all wealth.
(430) The wise is rich, with ev’ry blessing blest;
The fool is poor , of everything possessed.
Those who possess wisdom. possess every thing;
those who have not wisdom whatever they
may possess , have nothing.
Derivations, findings and Conceptual Analysis
Knowledge distinguishes a fool and a wise. Thiruvalluvar clearly
mentions the importance of acquiring knowledge and wisdom through
proper hearing / listening. Finally he brings out the quality of a manager
who is learned. Actual learning is exhibited in the character and the dealing
with people. Walk the talk, as we say in modern management parlance.
Confucius rightly said that the essence of knowledge is not in having it,
but in using it. Only learning and acquiring knowledge is not enough;
practicing it in action is of paramount importance. Also in the Couplet
(834) Valluvar talks of Matchless fool. One who has learnt , advises others
but does not abide by what is learnt, is a fool, no one can equal. Valluvar
concludes that, of all the wealth a man may possess, skillful listening is the
greatest. Therefore, listening leads to knowledge acquisition which leads to
act with wisdom. Thus the manager’s prime duty is to listen with empathy.
Commandment 9: “Thou shall seek the aid of great men after due
consideration and act upon time, place & circumstances”
(441) As friends the men who virtue know , and riper wisdom share,
Their worth weighed well, the king should choose with care.
Let ( a king) ponder well its value and secure the friendship of men
of virtue and of mature knowledge.
(445) The king , since counselors are monarch’s eyes,
Should counselors select with counsel wise.
As a king must use his ministers as eyes (in managing the kingdom)
let him well examine their character and qualifications before he engages.
(462) With chosen Counsel deliberate; next use the own thought; Then
act. Those who thus proceed work all works with ease are wrought.
There is nothing too difficult to (be attained by) those who, before
they act, reflect well themselves, and thoroughly consider (the matter)
with chosen friends.
(463) To risk one’s all and lose, aiming at added gain,
Is rash affair, from which the wise abstain.
Wise men will not, in the hopes of profit, undertake works that will
consume their principal.
(467) Think, and then dare the deed! Who cry,
‘Deed dared , we’ll think ,’ disgraced shall be.
Consider and then undertake a matter; after having undertaken it ,
to say, “We will consider,” is fully.
(470) Plan and perform no work that others may despise;
What misbeseems a king the world will not approve as wise.
Let a man reflect, and do things which bring no reproach; the world
will not approve, with him, of things which do not become of his
position to adopt.
Derivations, findings and Conceptual Analysis:
Valluvar advocates use good counsel before administering the plans.
Though a manager is advised to seek counsel from experts, still he uses a
caution that one must use his discretion in the final step. This indicates the
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ultimate responsibility and accountability for actions. One has to
administer the functions with the help of efficient subordinates and
advisors. However, after due consideration of the various alternatives, one
may have to act considering the time, place and circumstances. At any
cost, one can not perform acts which do not fit into the scriptural
Commandment 10: “Thou shall select the right man and
employ him with confidence”
(504) Weigh will the good of each , is failings closely scan’
As these or those prevail, so estimate the man.
Let (a king) consider (a man’s) good qualities , as well as his faults,
and then judge (of his character) by that which prevails.
(505) Of greatness and of meanness too,
The deeds of each are touchstone true.
A man’s deeds are the touchstone of his greatness and littleness.
(509) Trust no man whom you have not fully tried,
When tested, in his prudence proved confide.
Let (a king) choice of one without previous consideration; after he
has made his choice, let him unhesitatingly select for each such
duties as are appropriate.
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(513) A loyal love with wisdom , clearness, mind from avarice free;
Who hath these for good gifts should ever trusted be.
Let the choice (of a king) fall upon him who largely possesses these
four things, love , knowledge, clear mind and freedom from covetousness.
(517) ‘This man , this work shall thus work out,’ let thoughtful king
command; Then leave the matter wholly in his servant’s hand.
After having considered “this man can accomplish this by these
means” let ( the king) leave with him the discharge of that duty.
Derivations, findings and Conceptual Analysis
Of the HR policies, selecting the right man, after due considerations
is emphasized by Thiruvalluvar. Once selected, the team should be
empowered to execute by reposing faith. As a concluding remark, he
emphasizes that selecting a right person is done after due consideration of
virtuous quality and once selected keep trust and faith and entrust the job.
This will boost the confidence to perform.
Though Kural was written many centuries ago, still the principles
hold good and true even in the 21st century.
Kural goes beyond the reporting of the actual and encompasses the
paradigms for the future. Modern management could be read in
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conjunction with Kural and analogies could be drawn between them. The
new theories in Human Resource Management (HR) are expressed in an
abstract form in Kural. Administration and Management are age-old
concepts and they started whatever in a small form right from the days of
settlement and cession of nomadic life. The important elements found in
Kural with reference to general administration are applicable without any
alteration at any point of time.
Stephen Covey and Valluvar:
All the 7 habits listed by Mr. Stephen Covey and many more are
found in the Tamil Veda, the Divine Book Thirukural written by
Thiruvalluvar 2000 years before. This review article attempts to trace out
the couplets in Thirukural which reflect the Seven Habits of highly
effective people by Stephen Covey.
For example the first habit –Pro-active- by Stephen Covey has the
roots in Kurals -595,619,& 666.
Habit two-Begin with the end in mind- has the concepts rooted in
Kurals-67,69,236,463,467 .All these and much more can be traced to
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Renewing the spiritual dimension provides the missing link to
leadership and to our lives. The spiritual dimension is the core, the center
and the commitment to vedic system. It’s a very private area of life and a
supremely important one. It draws upon the sources that inspire and uplift
us and tie us to the timeless truths of all humanity. And people do it very,
very differently. Kural Nos. 3,10 out of many brings out the Spiritual
dimension clearly.
His feet, 'Who o'er the full-blown flower hath past,' who gain
In bliss long time shall dwell above this earthly plain.
They who are united to the glorious feet of Him who passes swiftly
over the flower of the mind, shall flourish long above all worlds.
They swim the sea of births, the 'Monarch's' foot who gain;
None others reach the shore of being's mighty main.
None can swim the great sea of births but those who are united to the feet
of God.
The greatest battles of life are fought out daily in the silent chambers
of the soul. If the battles are won there, and inward conflicts are settled,
immediately one can experience a sense of peace, a sense of knowing
what humans are about. This will lead to public victories – where one tend
to think co-operatively, to promote the welfare and good of other people,
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and to be genuinely happy for other people’s successes which will follow
Thus it can be found that Thirukural has various managerial
applications. MBS based on Thirukural will be easy to pick up and apply.
It is suggested to take it to the class rooms and board rooms for bringing in
the desired transformation of the heart for managers and leaders.


Thanks: https://oms.bdu.ac.in/ec/admin/contents/175_16MBEBB2_2020051909384710.pdf


by Swathi   on 02 Mar 2024  0 Comments
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